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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

IT education

And in the more-cool-resources-from-Google department, Google has formalized its dictionary offering. Although google.com/dictionary used to provide aggregated definitions for words from various dictionary resources online, it’s now a full-blown dictionary tool that leverages Google’s translation technology and provides concise definitions and synonyms.

Although Google’s attempt to compete with Wikipedia via its Knol offering has been a remarkably dismal failure for a company that tends to get things right, this is a tool that could displace plenty of other properties like dictionary.com and answers.com. Not only does it provide a really uncluttered interface, but the extensive translation tools are quite useful. While Google Translate is useful for passages or entire sites, often ELL students simply need to clarify a single word; Google Dictionary fills the bill.

Better yet, for those of us who have adopted Google Apps, users can star words and definitions and store them in their Google accounts for reference. While this seems a small thing, like most things Google, it may lend itself to sharing and classroom use in the future as the company expands this offering.

My youngest son recently mastered the dictionary. Guide words, alphabetizing, you name it. He can use a paper dictionary. Great. Guess what? The paper dictionary can’t translate the words he finds into 40 languages. It can’t offer synonyms and contextual sentences faster than he can get the dictionary off the shelf. And he can’t carry the Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language (Deluxe Edition) that I won in a spelling bee 20 years ago in his backpack. I really should have titled this post Goodbye Dictionary, shouldn’t I?

Posted by Christopher Dawson

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Art Simple ...

Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Tips N Trik Attrib Comand

Tips N Trik Attrib Comand 
how to display files and folders back the hidden by the virus: 
1. Go to Start>> Run and type CMD. So a comment prompt (or DOS) is shown. 
2. At the beginning, the comment prompt will be the location C: \ Document and Settings \ [user name of your computer].
3a. Navigate to the location of comment prompt the drive / folder of files as its terhidden virus. 
3b. For example, victims of the virus this time is drive E, then you live type E: and press enter. 
3c. If the D drive that fell ill only one folder, then after step 3b, type cd [space] [double open quote] [folder name] [close double quotation] and press enter. For example, the folder name is "Learning", the comment prompt will display indicating the location of E: \ Learning. 
4. Comment on the prompt, type attrib-s-h *.* / s / d
 5. For some time, comments will not prompt you to react. This means that your computer is being restore files / folders for viruses terhidden. 
6. When the comment is prompt indicates the location of E: \ Learning> again, that means the files that you will return terhidden seen. 
7. Now try to check in windows explorer. What files / folders that were originally hidden "back"? If again, ..........

Jumat, 17 April 2009

Search Engines such as the human

Search Engine is like a human, if the Search Engine we treat well then he will treat us well also, with the faithful to help us bring visitors to our website, and if our website visitors crowded the merchandise we will potentially be more in demand. If we are very close with the Search Engine can help us become rich. Conversely, if we fudge on the Search Engine Search Engine like Google is that we will be able to menghempaskan. If we try too well (see self-styled good), then usually within a specific Search Engine akan tau and then he will leave us. Sadly Oh, hehe......
Secret Search Engine that can and you can forget the notes you will not have significant visitors from Search Engines like Google and Yahoo. The essence of the Secret Science Search Engine is that you get your Website Traffic Thousands every day for FREE.

Getting Everyone to Think Strategically, The Subversive Strategist, The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning


Nowadays, thinking that the CEO who is always involved in all decision-making has had a shifting, this is caused by a change in the economic, social, political, and technology. Now, the CEO will need to change the rules and framework of all that, especially for the future of the company. 

In many companies, top managers monopoly on the strategy began to be used is reduced. Currently, the strategy has become the property of all members of the organization. Thus, the participation of all members of the company has become a very important thing for the company in achieving success. Necessary to instil an awareness in the mind of each member of what the company vision. Having the commitment and participation of each member organization will facilitate the implementation of company strategy. Enter the strategy of each member organization will assist the implementation of the company's vision. 

There are many elements necessary to maintain the company's vision is always embedded in the mind of each member company the company should have a strategic language, to keep the strategy simple and specific companies, to manage the participation of each member organization, the company motivates employees to always remember the vision and the company's involvement CEO. 

An expert strategy against someone who is a subversive, say what are the things that must be a company that can compete with the well in the future. There are several steps that can be applied, namely: how to make a planning strategy looks different, where we will begin, whether the experience that encourages top managers choose the types of thinking strategies, focus on planning strategies should be adjusted with the resources available, the problems associated with the concept strategy can be seen in the company's vision, can diglobalkan planning, how ideas are related to its core competence. 


In many organizations the top management often monopolize the making of strategy. However, these strategies or vision has become the property of all people. And to achieve the success of a strategy, understanding the need akan vision and organizational commitment, and participation in the planning process and implementation strategy. Having the participation of members of the organization does not reduce the responsibility of the CEO. Participation in the process of strategy also does not mean that the strategy will be an experiment in democracy in the company. In addition, the CEO also needs to set a vision and strategy emphasizes the participation strategy to achieve success. 

CEO has a responsibility to define the various roles, where he was responsible to set the vision, strategy ensures acceptance in the organization, involving the board of directors, communicate vision, and ensure that the strategy remains relevant and updated. 

When strategic planning is shown in the 1960s, the company leaders view as the one best way to do the planning and implementation to improve the competitiveness of each business unit. Planning system is expected to generate strategies and best stage for the implementation of the strategy instruction, so that the managers and business managers do not understand it wrong. However, as we know, the planning does not always work so, even now only a person who really understand the reason that strategic planning is different from the strategic thinking. Strategic planning is practiced as a strategic programming, development and integration is a strategy or vision that has been there. 

The strategy should provide planners contributions up about the process of strategy rather than on the process. They can provide a formal analysis or raw data is needed in strategic thinking, as far as they do aim to expand the consideration of the issue of finding an answer is correct. The planners should act as a catalyst to support the making of strategy with the help and encourage managers to think in strategic, and they can also become the programmer strategy, helping to set a series of concrete steps needed to implement the vision. 


Currently, in many organizations, strategy or vision is not only known by a few top managers, but the information is already owned by everyone. For the success of a strategy required the participation of all members of the organization both in the planning and implementation. 
One of the ideas and strategies that simple SWOT analysis is useful. There are three types of company that is the rule, implementing, and scofflaw. 

A strategic planning is not strategic thinking. Planning is about analysis. 're Thinking about is a strategic combination that involves intuition and creativity. 

Strategies that actually requires the invention of a new, not a process that has been there. Strategy can not be made by the analysts, but they can help its development. 

Strategic programming is not the way the best or a good way, managers do not always have to memprogram their formal strategy. Sometimes they must leave the strategy is flexible so that they can adapt to changes in the environment.

Kamis, 16 April 2009

Blogging Online Srategic

Lets start to simple tips to optimize adsense ads :

1) Blend your ads. Match your Adsense colors with your site colors.
2) Do not use borders to your text ads.
4) Use link units near site navigation links.
5) Use section targeting to target ads relevant to your site or page content. You can learn here
6) Ad placement is important. Sample site that have clever placement ads you can see here.
7) Block low paying and irrelevant ads showing on your site. You can learn here.
8) Test, Test and Test to work it best!!!

Follow these simple Adsense optimization tips. Experiment for at least two weeks to see the results. Believe me I am not exaggerating because I am experimenting with Adsense on my different sites since long time and these are nothing but some practical and ethical tips to increase your Adsense revenue.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

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Characteristics of Successful Businesses

A successful emerging growth business is likely to display many of the following characteristics:

  1. Sensibly financed (with prudent mix of equity and debt).
  2. Strong cash position (with access to follow-on or contingency funds).
  3. Offers above-average profitability (in terms of return on capital invested).
  4. Aims for rapid growth in revenues (with profits lagging but in prospect).
  5. Targets expanding, or otherwise attractive, market segments.
  6. Develops a strong franchise or brand.
  7. Devotes substantial resources to innovation (R&D, offerings or market).
  8. Competes on non-price issues (e.g. quality, service, functionality).
  9. Very close to customers and responsive to their needs.
  10. Seeks specialist/leadership image with superior offerings.
  11. Well managed with high-grade staff & good people-management.

Behind every characteristic there should be an explicit strategy designed to increase the chances of success and not simply aimed at reducing the likelihood of failure. For example:

  • A growth business needs a cash war chest and not merely "adequate" debt facilities.
  • Likewise, its management team must have the capacity to manage the present business as well as its growth.

Senin, 06 April 2009

Collection of useful sites

Collection of useful sites :

Function Keys On DOS Prompt

The buttons below you can use to speed up DOS in the DOS command prompt. 

F1 or right arrow 
The last call, letter per letter 

Calling the entire last 

Same with Ctrl-Z. To end the command bactch 

Cancel command

Kamis, 02 April 2009


You might need the help of the SEO expert to practice the search engine optimization to the fullest. These SEO experts offer consultation on the search engine optimization. All of us might not be well versed in the search engine optimization techniques so the help of a professional who knows all the ins and outs of the SEO optimization process to make your web site get the high rank in the search engines is needed. Almost 400 million searches are being made in the internet every day and 84.8% of the internet users depend on the search engines to find some information.The SEO experts offer specialist services in providing the solutions for your SEO problem. They provide specialist services. They help those who have created a web site and who are interested in making their web sites to be ranked high by the search engines like Google, MSN and Yahoo. They are experts in the various aspects of the search engine optimization. They are skilled enough to make your business show profit through their services. A good SEO expert provides the following services.

They help in keyword research. The experts do a lot of research into the key words that are used in your site. They find out the often researched words and see to that the website is ranked high because of the improved keyword.

They analyze the keyword constantly to see whether it will get listed in the search engines and get searched often.

They place a lot of emphasis on the Meta tags that are used in your website.

The SEO expert also places importance on the link building as this also helps and improves your ranking. You can have the links of other websites in your site. When your website is viewed as a result of the click made in the other site it improves your ranking. Writing of articles is also another way of link building which the SEO experts’ advice.An SEO expert will be a great help to any internet marketer. Online marketers aim at increasing website traffic through any means possible. Search engine optimization is one of the means through which website traffic can be increased. In order to achieve this, internet marketers must seek the help of SEO experts. The SEO experts are always committed to the quality of the page. The quality of your web page is important as it attracts a lot of visitors to your site. The visitors are attracted by the attractive home page of your site. The experts help you in making the home page attractive. They pay a lot of attention to the designs of the page. The heading has to be attractive. The key words used in the web page ought to represent the entire content of the site so that it gets ranked high in the search engines. They always keep in mind the uniqueness of your website and they optimize the key words and the web design accordingly. Higher the traffic to your website higher is the chance of your business succeeding. Thus the SEO expert is also focused on cutting the SEO costs and practices a successful SEO optimization.
By Carrie Bliss at http://www.gsnatch2.com

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Busby SEO Test

Busby SEO Test just make my day. This is the 4rth times I post about Busby SEO Test in this blog to support my 2 blogs that I registered in the Busby SEO contest.

Since Google is all about backlinks, the more backlinks the better to lift up a blog position in Google SERP. And may be you have not fully aware off that Internet is built by the abundant of links that connect to each others one and forth. Because of the winner will be decided from its position in Google USA data center SERP. The winner who have the right amount of backlinks and the links that have good authority point to their blog/pages will be having a good confidential sense to win the Busby SEO Test contest.

So it’s not so surprising if all the participants in this Busby SEO contest vehemently build one-way-links for their sites just to increase their positions and push their line off to the Google limited patience, by spamming around like porn sites webmasters or viagra sellers in other’s comment forms just to say “it’s a good post” and “thank you for your sharing”.

As for me, I am desperately trying to do the ethical techniques although sometimes I got tempted to slide the publish button just to say THIS DEFINITELY IS A GOOD POST! with my Busby SEO Test anchor link text within it. But it against my will bro, I don’t feel good each time I do it, as if I kick the blogger in the ass as a return for the cool article he shared

In my searching on dofollow blogs, I found a considerable amount of sites that remove rel=nofollow tag with no strict moderation or sometimes without moderation at all, thus I saw the heap of comments with no productive contents but “Good post” and “nice post!” And my friend do the things I dislike, I once asked for his help whether he want to help me in this contest to link building campaign, he accepted my request, and then I gave him the list of dofollow blogs and told him to give a cool comments, yet he gave nice and good post lines…arrghhh!

Since then I fired him off as my assistant, and he said I just don’t know what to comment, then you are fired dude, I said.

FYI I don’t really against to those who fill nothing but Good post and Nice Post in other comment forms, I can understand their reasonings to do that, but for me giving constructive comments are cooler than that. I don’t try to mock or offend such people (or widely known as spammers) but to think I am doing that, feels like I eat my own self, it’s just not me.

I believe each of the participant want to win the Busby SEO Test, me is no exception. But I don’t hope too much, since I am inexperienced in such SEO Contest. This contest is just for my own experience for my future study in SEO.

Just wish me luck, to gain the unpredictable experiences (hope it’s a good ones) in Busby SEO Test. See you in the next post.

Google Chrome: a new web browser for Windows

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Read about why we built a browser.

At Google, we spend much of our time working inside a browser. We search, chat, email and collaborate in a browser. And like all of you, in our spare time, we shop, bank, read news and keep in touch with friends - all using a browser. People are spending an increasing amount of time online, and they're doing things never imagined when the web first appeared about 15 years ago.

Since we spend so much time online, we began seriously thinking about what kind of browser could exist if you started from scratch and built on the best elements out there. We realized that the web had evolved from mainly simple text pages to rich, interactive applications and that we needed to completely rethink the browser. What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that's what we set out to build.

So today we're releasing the beta version of a new open source browser: Google Chrome.

On the surface, we designed a browser window that is streamlined and simple. To most people, it isn't the browser that matters. It's only a tool to run the important stuff - the pages, sites and applications that make up the web. Like the classic Google homepage, Google Chrome is clean and fast. It gets out of your way and gets you where you want to go.

Under the hood, we were able to build the foundation of a browser that runs today's complex web applications much better . By keeping each tab in an isolated "sandbox", we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites. We improved speed and responsiveness across the board. We also built V8, a more powerful JavaScript engine, to power the next generation of web applications that aren't even possible in today's browsers.

This is just the beginning - Google Chrome is far from done. We've released this beta for Windows to start the broader discussion and hear from you as quickly as possible. We're hard at work building versions for Mac and Linux too, and we'll continue to make it even faster and more robust.

We owe a great debt to many open source projects, and we're committed to continuing on their path. We've used components from Apple's WebKit and Mozilla's Firefox, among others - and in that spirit, we are making all of our code open source as well. We hope to collaborate with the entire community to help drive the web forward.

The web gets better with more options and innovation. Google Chrome is another option, and we hope it contributes to making the web even better.

But enough from us. The best test of Google Chrome is to try it yourself.

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

Welcome to the Web 2.0 era, an era where social and contents sharing sites such as Facebook,

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